A French know-how
Certified Expert in Formulation, Manufacturing and Packaging of Skincare and Fragrance
With its experience of more than 20 years, the company has been able to offer the quality required by the cosmetics and perfumes industry.
We ensure the design, manufacture and packaging of cosmetic products (cream, gel, shampoo, bubble bath, gel douche, essential oil) and alcoholic products (perfume, eau de toilette), l labeling, crimping, batching and packaging or cellophane wrapping. The company is equipped with a fleet of automatic and semi-automatic chains allowing to increase productivity and guarantee quality service.
Our certificates

The cosmetics of tomorrow

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Nous vous répondrons le plus rapidement possible.
Merci de l'intérêt que vous portez à notre travail.
ZI 1ère avenue - BP 534
Le Broc Center
06516 Carros - France
04 92 02 91 19